Friday, December 17, 2010

Gaining Weight!!

   I almost fell off of the scale today at my doctors appointment. I gained 10 pounds in 6 weeks! That's a total of 18 pounds so far. I don't know if I'll be able to stop at the 25 pound weight gain that I hoped to hit and not exceed. Ohhh well...Baby Girl is healthy and so am I and that's all that matters.
   My next appointment is on January 14th. I have my glucose test on that visit to determine if I have gestational diabetes. Every pregnant woman has this test done in their second trimester, so I'm not too worried. They make me drink this sweet stuff and then take my blood an hour later. She said it sort of tastes like the melted part of those pop-sickles that are frozen in plastic that you push up to eat. Brandon is a little jealous and asked the doctor if he could have one too! I haven't taken a good belly picture in the past couple of weeks, but here is one from Thanksgiving week in Marco Island. The belly gets a little bigger every day.